idealhack’s avataridealhack’s Twitter Archive

3,174 tweets


  1. Hello, let's connect on Mastodon instead!
  2. I’m shocked. It’s been a while, but the memory we shared in San Diego is still vivid. Cody will be missed :( @K8sContributors/1574809587785601024
  3. 😢😢😢 I can still remember what it was like when he joined the community… may he rest in peace @MrBobbyTables/1399781113653043202
  4. Now Clubhouse is like Twitter in 2008
  5. done with two-week quarantine in tokyo today… now continue to work from home 😷🥶
  6. microCOVID Project
  7. Stop the entry ban on legal foreign residents of Japan - Sign the Petition! via @change_jp
  8. Timeline of the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak–20_Wuhan_coronavirus_outbreak
  9. Almost every flight departures from Wuhan (WUH) was canceled because of the coronavirus and lockdown
  10. A piece of software wished me lots of good things and don't want me to tell anybody... but I'm sending this tweet. Thank you, @git_fork!
  11. 🙉 🙊 🙈
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. 2019 Open-source contributions v.s. all contributions on GitHub. With the Sponsors profile, hopefully I can see more green squares in the upcoming years.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. Happy New Year from UTC+9 🥳


  1. 大家新年快乐。安利一个最近写的 bot
  2. “坑爹”这个词,用在方滨兴遇到“连接被重置”的时候大概最贴切。
  3. 又有人问“233”是什么意思,于是 curl -O[000-999].gif ……
  4. Google before you tweet. Test before you retweet.
  5. 当当网6元代金券:券号 doua0101123127e5wlyv74 / 密码 javdrp 。有效期至2010-12-31。购书满50元可用。
  6. AppShopper 由于迟迟没有支持 64 位设备,在 iOS 11 上已经无法使用,官博发文表示不是他们不想更新,而是苹果拒绝与 App Store 功能重复的 app 上架

I’ve retweeted other tweets 115 times (3.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. kubernetesio 6 retweets
  2. CloudNativeFdn 6 retweets
  3. ParisInBmore 5 retweets
  4. fisio 4 retweets
  5. dupola 3 retweets
  6. doubleaf 2 retweets
  7. cosbeta 2 retweets
  8. billychow 2 retweets
  9. roamlog 2 retweets
  10. huyong 2 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

Replies and Mentions

25.2% of my tweets are replies (×800)

Most Replies To

  1. Ratoo 52 replies
  2. cxqn 26 replies
  3. billychow 24 replies
  4. MeganeMaid 23 replies
  5. sofish 23 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. jeefy 2 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 46 times (1.4%)

51.8% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (100 of 193)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (1 of 1)

Top Domains

  1. 28 tweets
  2. 21 tweets
  3. 6 tweets
  4. 5 tweets
  5. 4 tweets
  6. 4 tweets
  7. 3 tweets
  8. 3 tweets
  9. 3 tweets
  10. 2 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. 28 tweets
  2. 15 tweets
  3. 4 tweets
  4. 4 tweets
  5. 4 tweets
  6. 3 tweets
  7. 2 tweets
  8. 2 tweets
  9. 2 tweets
  10. 2 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 179 retweets and ❤️ 465 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😂 used 10 times on 9 tweets
  2. 🎉 used 8 times on 7 tweets
  3. 🤣 used 6 times on 6 tweets
  4. 🎂 used 6 times on 6 tweets
  5. 😄 used 5 times on 5 tweets

41 unique emoji on 72 tweets (2.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. fuckgfw used 14 times
  2. tii used 10 times
  3. cnmovie used 8 times
  4. cnbook used 7 times
  5. kubecon used 7 times

105 hashtags on 104 tweets (3.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 2 times on 1 tweet
  2. d_mn used 1 times
  3. f_cking used 1 times
  4. l_st used 1 times
  5. f_ck used 1 times

8 swear words on 7 tweets (0.2% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets