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大家新年快乐。安利一个最近写的 bot t.me/moviemagnetbot
又有人问“233”是什么意思,于是 curl -O img.mop.com/images/face/[000-999].gif ……
Google before you tweet. Test before you retweet.
当当网6元代金券:券号 doua0101123127e5wlyv74 / 密码 javdrp 。有效期至2010-12-31。购书满50元可用。
AppShopper 由于迟迟没有支持 64 位设备,在 iOS 11 上已经无法使用,官博发文表示不是他们不想更新,而是苹果拒绝与 App Store 功能重复的 app 上架 appshopper.com/blog/2017/09/21/ios-11-and-the-appshopper-social-app/
Slides here bit.ly/recap-release-shadow Be sure to watch the original talk by @guincodes and @LachlanEvenson youtube.com/watch?v=ritHCLd2xeE @Ladicle/1201838907819577344
“request for comments”(不是RFC)直译的话是不是“求吐槽”……
关于网易公开课,还是说下我昨天了解到的一点情况吧:之前网易曾联系 YYeTs 寻求商业合作但是被 YYeTs 拒绝,于是网易单方面使用了字幕和视频,同时给了一个合作伙伴链接, YYeTs 为回应网友的疑问发出了那条声明。
之前一直不懂空调的「特保」是什么功能,才知道原来是 turbo 🤦♂️ #TIL
豆瓣测试新版, SNS 了…… http://www.douban.com/?try_sep_nav=yes
美国政府联合 Google 一起施压 http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/01/135105.htm #GoogleCN
Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #26 k8sjp.connpass.com/event/155240/ #k8sjp
Kubernetes Contributors, our summit #kcsna2019 at #KubeCon is happening now! Go right when you see the sign and follow along downstairs, if you have any questions, ask in the contributor-summit channel on slack.k8s.io!
Feel so honored to receive the award! We are all being inspired and inspiring others. t.co/Obo0zPdQtD
It’s a wonderful experience to meet people who happen to have the same experiences at #kubecon! Saw a cool demo of spot ai by @tanujt today, running #computervision workloads on #k8s on raspberry pi. If you are also interested in #edgecomputing, feel free to reach him for demos!
Happy New Year from UTC+9 🥳
#KubeCon San Diego in less than a week! Trying Timeshifter + Jet Lag Rooster + Sleep Cycle, let’s see if it's easier this time.
🤣 (截图来自 k8s 贡献者体验 SIG 亚太时间会议) @MrBobbyTables/1090824638098231296 @kantrn/1090824863655198721